There are two kinds. Both are names of things.
Proper Nouns are the names of persons, places or things. They are capitalized.
Examples: John M. Moonves Dallas, Texas Mountain View College.
Common Nouns. There are five types:
(1) Concrete Common Nouns. The names of things you can see, touch, or measure. tree, tool. table, chair
(2) Abstract Common Nouns are the names of things you cannot see, touch or measure. Honesty, Truth, Fairness.
(3) Collective Common Nouns are names of groups of people or things such as family, congregation, Congress, Parliament, Cabinet.
(4) Gerunds are nouns made from verbs. If a verb ends in “–ing” such as running, and is used as a noun, it is called a Gerund. Running is a great sport. In this case, “Running is used as the subject of the sentence.
(5) Infinitives are the proper names of verbs, as in “to run.” When it is used as a noun, it is called an infinitive. To run is good exercise.
Example: Starting a sentence with a noun.
The mother led the child home.
Honesty is the best policy.
Congress meets today.
Running is a great sport.
To run is exhilarating.